Collection: 10/7 Israel War - Free Images

On October 7, 2023, a devastating attack by Hamas shook Israel. The assault, launched from Gaza, targeted Israeli civilians and military personnel alike.  The day began with a barrage of rockets fired into Israel, followed by a ground incursion by Hamas militants who infiltrated Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

The attackers targeted civilians indiscriminately, killing men, women, and children in their homes, at a music festival, and on the streets. The brutality of the attacks shocked the world. In addition to the widespread death and destruction, Hamas militants abducted numerous Israelis, including soldiers and civilians, taking them hostage back into Gaza.

These hostages, their numbers still not fully confirmed, became a focal point of the conflict. The "Bring Them Home" and "Let My People Go!" signs seen in the images reflect the anguish of families desperate for the return of their loved ones and the broader call for the release of all those held captive.  The hostage situation added another layer of complexity to an already volatile conflict, further fueling tensions and impacting negotiations for a ceasefire.

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10/7 Israel War Collection

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