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Welcome To Cobwebs Of The Mind

Where Creativity Spins A Web Of Imaginative Art

At Cobwebs Of The Mind, Creativity Spins Free, And Imagination Knows No Bounds

Digital Art, Framed Art In Many Mediums, High-Quality Prints, NFTs, Special Orders, Animations

Collection: Business Stock Image Collection

Business Stock Image Collection

Introducing the Business-Ready Stock Image Collection collection by Cobwebs Of The Mind, a curated selection of high-quality stock photos and royalty-free images designed specifically for those seeking photo-realistic pictures for commercial use. This exceptional collection offers a wide range of licensed digital art perfect for enhancing your blog post graphics, article visuals, and various business and marketing needs.

Our Business-Ready Stock Image Collection features stunning, professionally captured images covering diverse subjects and themes. From eye-catching website graphics and engaging social media visuals to impactful advertising images and polished presentation visuals, this collection has everything you need to elevate your online presence and captivate your audience.

Each photo in the Business-Ready Stock Image Collection collection is meticulously crafted to ensure the highest quality and visual appeal. Whether you require editorial use photos, e-commerce product images, or striking media kit graphics, our royalty-free images are ready to integrate into your projects seamlessly. With our commercial use license, you can confidently utilize these visuals to enhance your online publications, marketing materials, and more. 

In addition to our extensive collection of stock photos, Cobwebs Of The Mind offers a diverse range of Stock Videos & Animations to cater to your dynamic visual needs. Our video and animation assets come in various aspect ratios and resolutions, ensuring compatibility with your specific project requirements. From captivating background videos to engaging animated elements, our stock footage adds a new dimension to your creative projects.

At Cobwebs Of The Mind, we understand the importance of versatility and convenience in digital art. That's why our artwork, including the Business-Ready Stock Image Collection collection and our entire catalog, comes with a commercial license upon purchase. This means you can utilize the artwork in personal and commercial projects, whether you choose an image from our specialized commercial use collection or any other piece from our gallery. Additionally, we take pride in the authenticity and originality of our digital art. With Cobwebs Of The Mind, you can explore our vast selection of digital art with confidence, knowing that each purchase grants you the flexibility to use the images in a wide range of applications, from personal projects to business ventures, while also providing you with a COA to certify the authenticity of your acquired artwork.


The Commercial Licensed Digital Art collection by Cobwebs Of The Mind offers a curated selection of high-quality, photo-realistic stock photos, videos, and animations for commercial use. Perfect for blog post graphics, article visuals, and various business and marketing needs, this royalty-free collection features stunning images covering diverse subjects and themes. With our commercial use license, seamlessly integrate these visuals into your projects and elevate your online presence.

Commercial Use License" aka "Extended Use License"

This is a business stock photo. It is not signed by the artist and is intended for your business's use. 

Terms of License:

Once customers purchase digital art from Cobwebs Of The Mind, they are granted a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the artwork in personal and commercial compositions, blog posts, and writing. This includes the right to reproduce, modify, and display the artwork as part of their creative works, including commercial projects. As this is a Commercial Stock Photo, no attribution is required for Cobwebs Of The Mind.

However, if you wish to give attribution to the artwork, The attribution should read as follows:

"Copyright © 2024 Cobwebs Of The Mind - Generative Digital Artist: Ted W. Gross"

If you publish this artwork with attribution, send Cobwebs Of The Mind an email with the exact URL of the image and attribution. Once we review it, we will send you a 25% discount for your next purchase!

The official copyright definition for this arrangement is as follows:

"The artist retains all copyrights to the original artwork. The customer is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use the artwork for both personal and commercial purposes, including incorporation into their own creative works, provided that proper attribution is given to Cobwebs Of The Mind as the original source of the artwork. This license does not allow the customer to resell or redistribute the original artwork as a standalone product."